Try Alpha at True North!

Alpha is for you to explore the tough questions – about life, faith and meaning. It is designed to be a space of open conversation where you can share your thoughts regardless of what you believe. Every Alpha begins with a party!

What are Alpha Parties?

Alpha Parties are a chance to, first of all, come along to a free party with great vibes and great people. But also a chance to hear what Alpha is about with no obligation to come back. Everyone is welcome and we’d love to have you there!

The Next Party

Wednesday January 29th @ 630pm
πŸ“ Mullaloo: 19 Scaphella Ave, Mullaloo
πŸ“ Merriwa: 869 Connolly Drive, Merriwa

Thursday January 30th @ 630pm
πŸ“ City: Ross Memorial Church - Corner Colin and Hay St, Perth

The Next Party

Wednesday July 17th @ 630pm
πŸ“ Mullaloo: 19 Scaphella Ave, Mullaloo
πŸ“ Merriwa: 869 Connolly Drive, Merriwa
πŸ“ Yanchep: Yanchep YHUB

Sunday April 28th @ 630pm
πŸ“ City: Ross Memorial Church, West Perth

Food, drinks and live music Free and for everyone!

What is Alpha?

Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that explore the basics of the Christian faith in a fun and informal environment. It is absolutely free and runs Wednesday nights at each of our locations it includes dinner, a short film and a discussion.

Who is Alpha for?

Alpha is for EVERYONE and especially anyone who wouldn’t typically call themselves a Christian. It is designed to be a space of open conversation that explores the basics of the Christian faith where you can share your thoughts regardless of what you believe (honestly!!) and you can share as little or as much as you like!

For 2025 we will have Alpha’s across 4 locations Merriwa (869 Connolly Drive) and Mullaloo (19 Scaphella Ave), West Perth and Yanchep. The first for 2025 are 29th in Mullaloo and Merriwa and 30th January in the City. Every Alpha starts with a party @ 6:30pm at any of the locations, no need to RSVP just show up. The week after the Parties Alpha will be running Wednesday nights from 6:30pm, including Dinner! If you’re keen to join in on the next Alpha, you can register via the link below and it’s free!! 

Who is it for?

Alpha is for anyone who wouldn’t typically call themselves a Christian. It is designed to be a space of conversation that explores the basics of the Christian faith where you can share your thoughts regardless of what you believe (honestly!!)Β and you can share as little or as much as you like!